5 friends for a long time. They first?
Complete the text with the present perfect or
the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.
Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake' (be)
on a TV show when Britney was eleven. When
they were younger, they both '_ (sing) on a
talent show. They “ _ (not win), but since then
they s _ (become) celebrities. In their careers,
they 6
(have) a lot of hits. Justin'__ (have)
his first hit in 1998 and Britney's first number
one 8
(be) in 1999. They are good friends
today and they'_ (appear) together recently
on TV and at concerts.​

andreisena4ev andreisena4ev    2   21.12.2020 16:11    4