5 Complete with the past perfect simple or continuous of 8 the verbs. of lk 3 4 ash 5 in Many years ago in Greece there was a painting competition. The judge, who in the past_1_ (be) the best artist in the country, told two artists to paint a picture which was as true to life as possible in three months. The artists returned when they_2 (finish) their pictures, each of which was covered with a curtain. The judge а (invite) a large crowd, which (arrive) early in the morning. By midday they (wait) for several hours when the first painter pulled back his curtain. The picture was dit hunch of grapes and was so beautiful and lifelike that e which 6 (fly) past tried to eat the grape jane judge asked the other painter to pull But the second painter did nothing. The CIC Tudige were impatient because they 7 months. So the judge tried to pull the curtas Rospuldn't. There is no curtain here,' he said to the ciotte is a painting of a curtain.' One painting 8. (fool) the birds and the other people. Which painting did the judge choose? The second one. The crowd cheered because they_10_(find) out who was the best painter. Or had they? es n (wat vas: got 9 (fool) the to a eum ult 7 of

980sveta 980sveta    2   13.12.2021 20:51    0

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