5 Complete the adverts. Use: presentation, acts, selection, performance, exhibition, thriller. We are proud to announce a(n) ... Pablo Picasso. It's a must-see!
2 . On 21st July, Hereford Youth Orchestra will give a(n) of Beethoven's Sixth Symphony.
3. This Friday at 9 pm, Italian soprano Gabrielle Bianco will sing a(n) ... of classical pieces.
4. Now showing: 'Arrival. In this sci-fi ... , Amy Adams plays a scientist who must find a way to communicate with aliens.
5. Sunday 30th: Don't miss archaeologist Henry Waffer's ... on how he discovered the dinosaur fossils on display in our new Ancient Life section!
6. Join us in our tent in Bute Park and see amazing with jugglers, acrobats and much more!

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