5 Compite the conversions, una tha corre a form of wil or going to SCHO 3) CA Becky What you do are you going to do this weekend? Liam (1 help) my dad on Saturday. What about you? Becky Well, I (2 not help) my dad! My grandparents live in Wales. I (3 visit) them. Liam That sounds great! Have you got any plans for Sunday? Becky 1 (4 play volleyball on Sunday at three oʻclock. I play for a team. We've got some good players. I think we (5 win) Would you like to come and watch? Liam ok great idea!! (6 see) you at the sports centre at three. Helen I (7 go) to the shops this afternoon with my mum. Mark Oh, really? (8 you buy) a birthday present for Jackie? Helen Yes, I am. I (9 look) for a new skirt for her party too. Mark Mmm. I'd like to go shopping. Can come with you? Helen Of course! I (10 ask) my mum.​

5 Compite the conversions, una tha corre a form of wil or going to SCHO 3) CA Becky What you do are

папенко папенко    3   19.07.2021 09:55    2

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