5 Choose the best answer a), b), c) or d).
1 You look exhausted. I... you finish the paperwork.
a) am helping b) help c) I'll help d)'ll be helping
2 Why don't you go out and have some fun? You ... young.
a) aren't always
b) won't always be
c) aren't always being d) are not always going to be
3. You'd better take the laundry in. I've just heard on the radio
there ... a violent storm in the afternoon.
a) is b) is going to be c) will be d) is peme
4 She ... the job. She has already accepted another offer.
a) is taking b) is not going to take
c) doesn't take d) will be taking
5 We have to go now. The last train ... at 11.30. p.m.
a) leaves b) will leave c) is leaving d) 'll be leaving
6 She is not a child anymore. She ... 16 in less than a month.
a) is b) is going to be c) will be d) shall be

katerinaplachet katerinaplachet    1   09.04.2020 13:42    4

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