5 Answer (he questions 1 Did your brother listen to these songs? — Yes, . . .

2. Did Bob's aunt send In inn a present last week? — No, . . .

3. Had you fixed the bicycle belöre your brother canoe back? No, . . .

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VikiKot1315 VikiKot1315  10.12.2020 00:20

yes he did

no, she didn't

no, I hadn't

МаринаКот365000 МаринаКот365000  10.12.2020 00:20

Смотрим в начало предложения ,что бы ответить,надо согласиться или нет используя положительную или отрицательную форму этого слова:

1)Did you brother listen to these songs?

-Yes, he did

2)Did Bob’s aunt send in a present last week?

-No,she didn’t

3)Had you fixed the bicycle before your brother’s canoe back?

-No,I hadn’t

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