5 2.02 Look at the key phrases. Complete the dialogue. Then listen and check.

5 2.02 Look at the key phrases. Complete the dialogue. Then listen and check.

loloika loloika    2   21.01.2022 02:54    0

smichuksvitlana smichuksvitlana  24.02.2022 22:14

ake: Mum, is it OK if I go to Shaun's house?

Mum: No, sorry. You can't.

Jake: I can't? Why not?

Mum: Because your grandparents are here this afternoon.

Jake: Oh, right. Is it OK if I go this evening, then?

Mum: No, not this evening, Jake. You've got a lot of homework.

Jake: Well, Can I go tomorrow?

Mum: Yes, you can.

Jake: Great. Thanks.


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