4choose the correct answers. 1 darren lied to me and he didn't apologise, so we made up/ fell out. 2 getting married/ divorcedto somebody is a big decision. 3 i think sean likes you. do you get engaged/ fancyhim? 4 if i liked someone very much, i’d ask/ chat them up. 5 when did mary and wayne splitup/ out? 6 i still love you. do you want to get on/ back together with me? 7 do you get on well to/ withyour brother’s girlfriend?

Хаурма7 Хаурма7    1   13.09.2019 19:10    1

Vlad5682 Vlad5682  07.10.2020 12:29
1) fell out
2) married 
3) fancy
4) chat up
5) split up
6) get back
7) with
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