45 ! составить небольшой рассказ о лондонском зоопарке на или желательно по london zoo 3-10 предложений

ArinaStar337 ArinaStar337    1   09.07.2019 17:50    4

kazorinJeka kazorinJeka  02.10.2020 23:36
London Zoo, zoo in Great Britain, one of the world's largest. Settles down in the London Area of West End, in northern part of Ridzhent-park. 
Based in 1828, the London zoo became the first zoo created only for scientific work. Only in 1847 the zoo was open for public visit. In a zoo the public oceanarium (1853), pavilion with insects (1881) and the first children's zoo (1938) were open first-ever pavilion with reptiles (1849). Many zoos of the world were created on a sample London. With 2 
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