42. A: Do you Afghani? B: No, A) speak / you don't C) speak / don't I B) speak / I don't D) speaks / don't speak 43 A; does Margaret start work? B: At 7 in the morning. A) What time B) What kind C) What sort D) What about 44. A: _ do your brothers like working in this factory? B: Because they earn much money. A) What B) When C) Why D) Whom 45. he like his job? A) Does B) Do C) Is D) Are 46, 1_ an accountant. A) do B) does C) am D) is 47. New York exciting? A) Are B) Do C) Does D) Is 48. Where A) are they live? B) do C) does D) is 49. Why A) do you want to learn English? B) are D) is 50. We _Algerians. A) does B) are C) do D) am 51. What A) do he do at weekends? B) is C) does D) are 52. He plays football A) in B) on Friday mornings. C) at D) of 53. Do you relax A) at weekends? B) on C) in D) by 54. Where do you go A) at holiday? C) of B) in D) on 55. I like A) cooks B) cooking C) cook D) cooked​

nikitalarin843 nikitalarin843    2   30.07.2021 10:00    0

Стася911 Стася911  30.07.2021 10:10

42. Do you speak Afghani? No, I don't. (B)

43. What time does Margaret start work? — At 7 in the morning. (A)

44. Why do your brothers like working in this factory? — Because they earn much money. (C)

45. Does he like his job? (A)

46. I am an accountant. (С)

47. Is New York exciting? (D)

48. Where do they live? (B)

49. Why do you want to learn English? (A)

50. We are Algerians. (B)

51. What does he do at weekends? (C)

52. He plays football on Friday mornings. (B)

53. Do you relax at weekends? (A)

54. Where do you go on holiday? (D)

55. I like cooking. (B)

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