41. Complete the sentence using personal pronoun: .… am going to buy some books tomorrow.
42. Complete the sentence using personal pronoun: Are … going to invite John to your party?
43. Choose the right variant of tense: I (to write) a composition now.
44. Choose the right variant: Where (to be) you yesterday?
45. Choose the right variant: sister / brother
I have two … and one … .
46. What time is it? It is 9. 20.
47. Choose the right variant: Yesterday we (to be) at the theatre.
48. Choose the right variant: My grandmother (not work). She is on pension.
49. Choose the right variant: play / be
Erken (to play) chess very well when he (to be) a small boy.
50. Choose the right variant: be/go
She (to be) a schoolgirl. She (to go) to school in the afternoon.
51. Choose the right variant: be
I … cooking the birthday cake.
52. Choose the right variant: Altair and Askar…(to play) in the garden now.
53. Choose the right variant: We (not have) coffee in the morning.
54. Complete the sentence using pronouns: They have puppies. The puppies are … .
55. Choose the right variant: At six o’clock yesterday evening we …( to translate) English texts.
56. Choose the right variant: The baby always (to sleep) after dinner.
57. Put prepositions: I get up … seven o’clock or … a quarter past seven.
58. Choose the right variant: My working day (to begin) at seven o’clock.
59. Use possessive case: Whose baby is it? My (sister).
60. Choose the right variant: Can you bring … from the kitchen.( milk)
61. Choose the right variant: Tom …(play) video games. He usually does his homework in the afternoon.
62. Complete with Present Perfect. We … (to finish) our task today.
63. Choose the right variant: When I was a child, I … (want) to be a doctor.
64. Choose the right variant of adverb: The chіldren haven’t fіnіshed theіr work ….
65. Choose the right variant: I … (to be) reading when you rang me up.
66. Choose the right variant: to be fond of
My lіttle sіster … of horse-rіdіng.
67. Choose the right variant: to be
There … a big meeting here tomorrow.
68. Choose the right variant: to be
Your sister ... a pupil, she ... not a student.
69. Choose the correct answer: What is Big Ben?
70. Choose the correct answer: We keep our food in the … .
71. Choose the right variant: short
She was... than Roy.
72. Give the antonym of the word “attractive”.
73. Choose the right variant: This is ... newspaper.(Nina)
74. Choose the right variant: These are ... toys.( children)
75. What is usually the largest and most comfortable room in the flat?
76. Choose the right variant: to be
There … a comfortable chair in the room.
77. Choose the right variant: … time is it?
78. Choose the right variant: to be
“How much ... these postcards?" - “Fifty pence"
79. Choose the right variant: to be
Mag and her sister … in Rome last summer.
80. Choose the right variant: … has seen a new film?
81. Change the Following sentence in the plural: That is a box, isn’t it?
82. Choose the right variant: to be
There ... a big meeting here tomorrow.
83. Choose the right variant:There is /there are
What ... on the table?
84. Choose the right variant: I …( make) my bed now.
85. Choose the right variant: I …(work)for my English exam tomorrow.
86. Choose the right variant: … he… any lessons today?( have got)
87. Choose the right variant: Short
The 25th of December is the ... day of the year.
88. Complete the sentence using personal pronoun: ... is proud of her son.
89. Choose the right variant: You ...( work) hard now.
90. Choose the right variant: When I came home last night, the baby … .( sleep)

valera253 valera253    3   15.05.2021 12:23    8

LiraReeman LiraReeman  13.01.2024 11:45
41. I am going to buy some books tomorrow. (Personal pronoun: I)
42. Are you going to invite John to your party? (Personal pronoun: you)
43. I am writing a composition now. (Present continuous tense: I am + verb)
44. Where were you yesterday? (Past tense: were)
45. I have two sisters and one brother. (Personal pronoun: sister, brother)
46. It is 9:20. (Time)
47. Yesterday we were at the theatre. (Past tense: were)
48. My grandmother does not work. She is on pension. (Negative form: does not)
49. Erken played chess very well when he was a small boy. (Past tense: played, was)
50. She is a schoolgirl. She goes to school in the afternoon. (Present tense: is, goes)
51. I am cooking the birthday cake. (Present continuous tense: am + verb-ing)
52. Altair and Askar are playing in the garden now. (Present continuous tense: are + verb-ing)
53. We do not have coffee in the morning. (Negative form: do not)
54. They have puppies. The puppies are theirs. (Pronoun: theirs)
55. At six o'clock yesterday evening, we were translating English texts. (Past continuous tense: were + verb-ing)
56. The baby always sleeps after dinner. (Present simple tense: sleeps)
57. I get up at seven o'clock or at a quarter past seven. (Prepositions: at, at)
58. My working day begins at seven o'clock. (Present simple tense: begins)
59. Whose baby is it? It is my sister's. (Possessive case: sister's)
60. Can you bring milk from the kitchen? (Noun: milk)
61. Tom plays video games. He usually does his homework in the afternoon. (Present simple tense: plays)
62. We have finished our task today. (Present perfect tense: have + past participle)
63. When I was a child, I wanted to be a doctor. (Past simple tense: wanted)
64. The children haven't finished their work yet. (Adverb: yet)
65. I was reading when you rang me up. (Past continuous tense: was + verb-ing)
66. My little sister is fond of horse-riding. (Expression: fond of)
67. There is a big meeting here tomorrow. (Expression: there is)
68. Your sister is a pupil, she is not a student. (Expression: Your sister is... she is not)
69. Big Ben is a famous clock tower in London. (Definition: famous clock tower)
70. We keep our food in the fridge. (Noun: fridge)
71. She was shorter than Roy. (Adjective: shorter)
72. The antonym of "attractive" is "unattractive". (Opposite word: unattractive)
73. This is Nina's newspaper. (Possessive case: Nina's)
74. These are the children's toys. (Possessive case: children's)
75. The largest and most comfortable room in the flat is usually the living room. (Description: largest and most comfortable)
76. There is a comfortable chair in the room. (Expression: there is)
77. What time is it? (Question: What time)
78. "How much are these postcards?" - "Fifty pence". (Expression: How much)
79. Mag and her sister were in Rome last summer. (Past tense: were)
80. Who has seen a new film? (Question: Who)
81. Those are boxes, aren't they? (Change to plural form)
82. There is a big meeting here tomorrow. (Expression: there is)
83. What is on the table? (Expression: there is)
84. I am making my bed now. (Present continuous tense: am + verb-ing)
85. I am working for my English exam tomorrow. (Present continuous tense: am + verb-ing)
86. Does he have any lessons today? (Expression: have got)
87. The 25th of December is the shortest day of the year. (Adjective: shortest)
88. She is proud of her son. (Personal pronoun: She)
89. You are working hard now. (Present continuous tense: are + verb-ing)
90. When I came home last night, the baby was sleeping. (Past continuous tense: was + verb-ing)
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