40 choose the right answer. only one answer is correct. 1. jack has got a lot of his girl-friend on the wall. a) photo b) photoes c) photos 2. mathematics too difficult for me. a) is b) are c) — 3. too people still smoke. a) many b) much c) a lot of 4. moon moves slowly round . a) — the b) the c) this 5. the keys are in a) the pocket of my suit b) my suit's pocket c) my pocket in the suit 6. their daughter is doing business at local college. a) the b) — c) a 7. his opinion differs from a) my b) mine c) me 8. he is quite right. i agree with . a) he b) him c) his 9. i can't eat chips because they are cold. a) this b) these c) that 10. nowadays bob is eating more and exercising than he used to. a) little b) less c) the least 11. dick was the three brothers. a) the eldest b) the oldest c) elder 12. henry was of the boys. a) the most big b) the biggest c) biggest 13. brain is known as a very driver. a) fast b) fastly c) fasting 14. the past 10 years the happiest in her life. a) are b) are being c) have been 15. the pizza delicious without any cheese at all. a) tastes b) is tasting c) has tasted 16. they met yesterday, a) did they b) didn't they c) they did 17. our neighbors their house recently. a) painted b) were painting c) have painted 18. when from his business trip? a) has he returned b) did he return c) was he returning 19. my sister some new clothes last week. a) had bought b) bought c) was buying 20. he a light breakfast and then to work. a) had went b) had had went c) has had went

Dimka3113 Dimka3113    1   22.04.2019 11:09    16

SuperWalker SuperWalker  08.06.2020 05:27


1 c

2 a

3 a

4 b

5 b

6 b

7 b

8 b

9 b

10 b

11 b

12 b

13 a

14 c

15 c («a» тоже возможен, но склоняюсь больше к «с»)

16 b

17 c

18 b

19 b

20 a

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