40 ! без переводчика переведите на язык.
1)вчера вечером на небе не было облаков
2)тебе звонили утром
3)у тебя было много гостей?
4)у меня не осталось денег вчера
5)у нас не было мобильных телефонов, когда мы были маленькими
6)у твоего брата был компьютер,когда он учился в школе? -нет
7)анна сломала мамину любимую вазу
8)они пообедали,а затем пошли в кино
9)кто-то открыл дверь минуту назад
10)я нашел твои ключи вчера
11)в вторник джейн и я плавали в бассейне
12)на днях мы ездили за город.мы разбили палатку на берегу реки,загорали и купались
13)в субботу я встречал своих друзей
14)ты гулял с собакой в полдень?
15)что ты делал в воскресенье?

Indira6767 Indira6767    2   17.01.2020 19:59    0

nоname128 nоname128  17.01.2020 22:03
1) last night there were no clouds in the sky
  2) they called you in the morning
  3) have you had many guests?
  4) i have no money left yesterday
  5) when we were small phones
  6) when did you go to school?
  7) anna broke her mother's favorite vase
  8) they had lunch and then went to the movies
  9) someone opened the door a minute ago
  10) i found your keys yesterday
  11) last tuesday
  12) we pitched a tent on the banks of the river, sunbathing and swimming
  13) last saturday i met my friends
  14) did you walk the dog at noon?
  15) what did you do last sunday?
yanalatina97 yanalatina97  17.01.2020 22:03

1) last night there were no clouds in the sky

2) they called you in the morning

3) have you had many guests?

4) i have no money left yesterday

5) we didn’t have mobile phones when we were little

6) did your brother have a computer when he was in school? -no

7) anna broke her mother's favorite vase

8) they had lunch and then went to the movies

9) someone opened the door a minute ago

10) i found your keys yesterday

11) last tuesday, jane and i were swimming in the pool

12) the other day we drove out of town. we pitched a tent on the riverbank, sunbathing and swimming

13) last saturday i met my friends

14) did you walk the dog at noon?

15) what did you do last sunday?

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