40! БАЛОВ! 40! БАЛОВ Коротко- 1 и то что нужно
Put in somebody / something/ anybody / anything / nobody / nothing / everybody / everything .

1) Did you meet...from our school during the summer?
2) I know ... in this school. It's my first day.
3) She loves...She's a really kind person!
4) has left the keys on the table!
5) They looked for in the room.
6) Do you have ...to drink?
7) ...wants to have real friends.
8) ...unusual happened. It was a very ordinary day.
9) I gave the children...to eat because they were hungry.
10) ... lives in that house. It's empty.
11) ...came to the door earlier but I don't know who it was.
12) I don't want to do... . I am too tired.

kashaavablogHhfjdk kashaavablogHhfjdk    2   01.04.2020 13:58    0

AnnaXolcman3003 AnnaXolcman3003  12.10.2020 11:46

1anybody 2nobody 3everybody 4somebody 5something 6anything 7somebody/everybody 8nothing 9something 10nobody 11somebody 12anything

likery likery  12.10.2020 11:46

1. anybody

2. nobody

3. everybody

4. somebody

5. something

6. anything

7. everybody

8. nothing

9. something

10. nobody

11. somebody

12. anything

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