4. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола tо hаvе. . 1. Anna a new flat. 2. They holidays tomorrow. 3. Mary red roses in her
garden last year. 4. The child new toys soon. 5. We a lot of snow last
winter. 6. We usually four classes a day. 7. Do you
a brother? 8. Michael
a fast car. 9. We a ball so we played football. 10. She breakfast at seven
5. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги в предложения. .
1. Dad will arrive late ... night, so I will see him only ... the morning. 2. Is there a
holiday in your country 6 January? 3. The students will write a test ... the end of
the week. 4. Do you go skiing the winter? 5. Are you usually at home 7
o'clock the evenings? 6. There's a large picture the wall. 7. What did you
do your history lesson? 8. Is there anybody ... the classroom? 9. Would you like to
live ... another country? 10. We sometimes stay ... school late.

dodmitry dodmitry    3   08.12.2020 13:56    2

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