4. заполните пропуски однокоренным словом, подходящим по смыслу лексически и грамматически. внесите ответ в соответствующую строку бланка. family history is one of britain’s fastest growing passions. now thousands of people are _31_ (eager) studying _32_ (office) archives and public records about their _33_ (relate). some are motivated by _34_ (curious) to build up their family tree, others hope to add _35_ (excite) to their lives digging up _36_ (colour) illustrations. some have spent years going through records of births, _37_ (marry) and _38_ (die) of their ancestors. however, the internet has made things much easier and may _39_ (part) explain the _40_ (explode) of interest in tracing one’s roots.

fjjjfg fjjjfg    2   01.10.2019 09:50    2

Aloyna11111 Aloyna11111  11.08.2020 10:23

Family history is one of Britain’s fastest growing passions. Now thousands of people are _31_ (eagerly) studying _32_ (official) archives and public records about their _33_ (relatives). Some are motivated by _34_ (curiousity) to build up their family tree, others hope to add _35_ (excitement) to their lives digging up _36_ (colourful) illustrations. Some have spent years going through records of births, _37_ (marriages) and _38_ (deaths) of their ancestors. However, the Internet has made things much easier and may _39_ (partly) explain the _40_ (explosion) of interest in tracing one’s roots.

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