4 Write your opinion about the advantages and disadvantages of living in the town and in the country.

dariadarina1 dariadarina1    2   05.02.2021 14:56    0

TATARIN001 TATARIN001  07.03.2021 15:00

Town:Living in Town have own advantages and disadvantages.Advantages Living in Town is In town have many fun places like Parks of Attractions,beautiful buildings,and a lot of markets.Disadvantages of living in town is in town will be junk foods a lot of junk food sellers they make people have sugar diabetes and heart problems.In town will be not good or clean vegetables or other.But in Town living fun!


Country:Country have the same advantages and some disadvantages.Advantages of living in country.In country have really pretty forests and other places with green grass and beautiful flowers,in country clean and no chemicals and in country will be animals! cute animals cats bunny's!!.Now and the disadvantages of living in country.In country have animals,animals cute but they can have sickness its will get into kids or adults s body and this sickness will can be really bad.In country will be snakes they will dont have poison but some of them will and those poison will can be fatal...Anyways living in Country is have adventures

hlipkaya hlipkaya  07.03.2021 15:00

in the city you have everything, here is a person from far away because there is more difficult to move and work in such conditions


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