4. вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. this is … bicycle. it is … his bicycle. 2. i have … brother. …my brother is … computer programmer. my brother’s wife is … teacher. 3. i study … english. i attend … english classes in … evening. on … days when i have no … classes, i stay at … home and do some work about … house 4. he has no … pencil. 5. is this … watch? – no, it isn’t … watch, it’s … cell phone. 6. give me … cigarette, please. 7. they have … cat, … dog and … three parrots. 8. this is … tree. …tree is green. 9. i got … letter from …my friend yesterday. … letter was interesting. 10. these are … pens. … pens are very nice. 11. this is … my table. on … table there is … book, many …pens, … pencil, … dictionary and … paper. 12. they are not at … home. they are at … work. 13. people usually have … 32 teeth. 14. my cousin has … big … black … cat. my cousin’s … cat has … five kittens. … cat likes … milk. … kittens like … milk, too. 15. what’s … weather like today? - … weather is fine. … sun is shining. … sky is …blue. 16. this is … good … book. take … book from … table. put this … book into … bookcase. 17. where are … flowers? - … flowers are in … beautiful vase. 18. there is … sofa in … corner of … room. 19. what do you do after … breakfast? – after … breakfast i go to … school. 20. … man whom mr. smith telephoned this morning is here now. 21. it is … good idea. 22. … good book is always … pleasure for me. 23. is your sister married? 24. what … colour is your new … hat? – it is … red. 25. when my grandfather was … young man, he studied … physics.

efwwewe efwwewe    1   19.01.2020 16:52    5

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