4. спишите предложения, вставляя нужную форму глагола to be или to have: 1. summer … a good season. 2. the house… three floors. 3. it … the longest river in this country. 4. the boys … very quiet. 5. they … a lot of guests to-night. 5. вставьте can/must: 1. you … buy a skirt and a blouse in women’s clothes department. 2. you … not try this footwear on just here, there is a fitting room. 3. i … have a waterbed in the hotel if i want to. 6. преобразуйте предложения, употребив конструкцию there is/are: 1. i can see no hotel in this town. 2. this town has only one good shop. 3. the flowers are on the table. 7. раскройте скобки, поставив прилагательное в нужную степень сравнения: 1. what is (long) river in russia? 2. a pineapple is (big) than a pear. 3. chinese is (difficult) than english. 8. определите видо-временную форму глагола и задайте 4 типа вопросов к предложению: she is learning spanish now.

yuli200 yuli200    2   21.09.2019 21:20    1

максир максир  16.08.2020 19:59
Задан.4) 1 Summer *is*. 2 The house *have*. 3 It *is*. 4 The boys is* 5 They have"
Задан.5) 1can2must 3must
Задан.6) 1 There is. 2 There is. 3 There are.
Задан.7) 1 longest. 2 bigger 3 more difficult
Задан.8) Present Continuous. Is she learning Spanish now?
When she is learning Spanish?
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