4 Speak & Write .
A. Read the e-mail and answer the following questions,
1. Who is writing the e-mail?
2. Why is he writing?
3. What is the relationship between the two boys?
4. What is the purpose of each paragraph? Match the
phrases a-c with the paragraphs.
correct form of the verbs. Sometimes
and now she wants to buy a car.
while I was studying and
my French lesson.
't go out tonight. I have
her driving test
When you're writing a letter or an e-mail
giving news, follow the plan below.
> Greet the person you're writing to.
• Dear Harry, • Hi Kirsty Hello Jern
> Begin your letter/e-mail and say why
you're writing. Use phrases like:
• How's life?
• How have you been?
How are things? I hope everything's OK
Sorry I haven't written for so long. but.
It was great to hear from you again
I'm writing to tell you
Guess what! I have some exciting news
to tell you.
You won't believe what happened to m
C. reason
a. ending the e-mail
and asking for news
b. giving
for writing
0 x
for my Maths exam.
the Physics exam and
it again tomorrow
good results
the same
ey aren't classmates.
Hello Peter,
I'm writing to tell you what happened at school today. You
won't believe it!
Remember how I told you about my History exam in my
last e-mail? Well, I forgot to study and today was exam day.
But I was so lucky! Listen to this. When my friends told
me about the exam this morning, I panicked. Anyway. Just
when we were starting, the fire alarm went off and we all
had to go and wait outside. When we were allowed back
in, there wasn't enough time for the exam. And because it's
Friday, I've got all weekend to revisel is that lucky or what?
Anyway, I must go now. I have to start studying. I won't
be lucky a second timel Are your exams over? Did you do
well? Make sure you write and tell me.
Give your news. Use phrases like:
I've never seen... before.
It was so.. that..
The good news is...
I've also got some bad news...
he pictures below and discuss the
Take care,
State anything you want to empha
for news and end your letterle-ma
phrases like:
I must go now.
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