4. Read another legend about Lake Issyk-Kul. Complete the text with the Past Simple form of the verbs.
Once upon a time, there (1)
(be) a beautiful girl named
Cholpon. Two young men, Ulan and Santash, (2)
(be) ready
to give their lives for her heart. They (3)
(want) to marry
her. Cholpon (4)
(can/not) make a choice. The two men
(start) to fight with each other, but neither of them (6)
(can) win because they (7) (be) both very strong. Cholpon (8)
(not know how to stop the men and she (9)
(pull) her heart
out of the chest so that neither of them (10) (can) have it and
(die). People (12)
(bury) her on the top of a
high mountain. They (13)
(cry) so long that their hot tears
(create) a lake. The water in the lake (15)
warm, so people (16) (call) the lake "Issyk-Kul". Near the lake
a town (17) (appear). People (18) (call) it “Cholpon-Ata".​

Иришка2007Шеховцова Иришка2007Шеховцова    1   12.12.2020 03:28    4

elka1245 elka1245  11.01.2021 03:36
1. was
2. were
3. wanted
4. couldn’t
5. started
6. could
7. were
8. didn’t knew
9. pulled
10. could
11. died
12. buried
13. cried
14. created
15. was
16. called
17. appeared
18. called
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