4. раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной
грамматической форме.
1. the building profession (to attract) many numbers of
young people.
2. it (to be) an honorable profession.
3. the person (to enter) this profession must (have) a
scientific attitude, imagination, initiative and good
4. a sanitary engineer (to protect) the quality of water
by treating and purifying this water when it (to be)
used for domestic purposes.
5. an architect (to be) a person who (to design)
6. architecture, which up to the 18th
century had been
considered a branch of engineering (to become) a
profession by itself.

Alaaxbek Alaaxbek    3   06.09.2019 12:53    14

okda2 okda2  06.10.2020 21:13
1. Attracts
2. Is
3. Entering, have
4. Protects, is
5.is, designs
6. Became
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