4 Put the words in the right order.
1. like/l/table/laying/the.
2. in/l/always/the/my/make/bed/morning.
3. I/very/in/big/a/city/live.
4. Every/my/millions/year/of/visit/town/tourists.
5. time/Ulvi/outside/a lot of/spends.​

adweafd adweafd    3   01.03.2021 00:12    0

kabirova2356 kabirova2356  01.03.2021 01:00

I like laying the table

I always make my bed in the morning

I live in a very big city

every year millions of tourists visit my town

ulvi spends a lot of time outside

клубника25 клубника25  01.03.2021 01:00
1. i like laying the table
2.i always make my bed in morning
3.i live in a very big citi
4.every year of millions tourists visit my town
5.Ulvi spends a lot of time outside
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