4. put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous. 1. i … (go) to the university yesterday when i … (see) a house on fire. 2. what … you … (do) yesterday? - i … (work) in the morning and … (skate) in the afternoon. 3. they … (come) in when i … (have dinner) with my friend. 4. i … (to read) the newspaper when you … (to ring) me up. 5. when i … (see) him, he … (stand) in the street. 6. as my brother … (get) off the tram, he … (fall) and … (break) his leg. 7. on sunday when i … (come) from a walk, i … (meet) a strange man. 8. he … (not see) me, as he … (read) a book when i … (come) into the room. 9. the ship … (start) at once, because the wind then … (blow) in the right direction. 10. when i … (wake) this morning it … (be) so late that the sun … (shine) high in the sky.

MrKoopo MrKoopo    3   24.07.2019 17:40    0

Ksbc Ksbc  07.08.2020 13:24
1. was going / saw
2. were you doing / was working / skating 
3. came / was having dinner
4. was reading / rang
5. saw / was standing
6.  got / fell / broke 
7. came / met 
8. didn't see / was reading / came
9. started / was blowing 
10. woke / was / was shining 
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