4. Put the verbs in brackets in the
correct form. Give reasons.

1 A: I want
(organise) a
clean-up day.
B: Really? Can I
(join) you?
2 A: Ann's eager (quit)
her job as a shop assistant.
B: I know; she's planning
(move) to London.
3. A: I'd love to help (help) poor people in other countries.
B: Why don't you(donate)
money to charity then?
4 A: We should all do something
(protect) the environment.
B: Yes, people
(cut) down so many trees.
5 A: Would you consider
(join) a charity organisation?
B: Definitely! (volunteer)
with other people can be fun.
6 A: What can I
(do) to
save the environment?
B: You could try
instead of driving to school.
7 A: I'm thinking of
an endangered animal.
B: That's amazing! I want
(care) for one too!

falala1 falala1    2   17.09.2021 09:39    1

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