4. Поставете глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в требуемом по
смыслу времени страдательного залога.
1. Many new stadiums ... in our city lately (build). 2. The opening
ceremony of this championship ... for 6 o'clock (schedule). 3. Don't
enter the gym! A boxer ... there (train). 4. In the concluding stage of
the Games finals the competitions ... between the best athletes next
week (hold). 5. The winners in the Ancient Olympic Games ... with
olive leaves but not with gold medals (crown). 6. Cooperation in the
field of sports ... on the established international rules, regulations
and practice (base). 7. Long-term agreement ... with main sports
societies next month (conclude). 8. The Olympic Charter defined
the principles on which the Olympic movement ... (build). 9. The
oath-taking ceremony ... at the 7th Olympic Games in 1920 (intro-
duce). 10. Joint training sessions of athletes from all over the world ...
regularly (hold). II. The new world record holder ... when he failed
to show his best result in the javelin throwing (dissatisfy). 12. The
Olympic flag ... for the first time in Antwerp (hoist).​

DrZIP1st DrZIP1st    2   14.04.2020 16:50    87

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