4. перепишите предложения, употребив пассивный залог. l. his parents gave him a car-a car 2. they told him the truth (правду-he 3. he showed me his books-his books 4. they build new houses every month-new houses 5. they asked him some questions-he 6. she has typed all the letters all the letters 7. they are showing a new film at our cinema a new film 8. helen won the contest (победила в соревновании-the contest 9. the usa bought alaska from russia in 1867. alaska 10. vitus bering first visited alaska in alaska

rusalochka1999p08s2t rusalochka1999p08s2t    3   24.06.2019 14:20    0

denic9 denic9  20.07.2020 01:37
1. A car was given to him by his parents.
2. He was told the truth
3. His books were shown to me.
4. New houses are built every month.
5. He was asked some questions.
6. All the letters have been typed by her. 
7. A new film is being shown at our cinema. 
8. The contest was won by Helen.
9. In 1867 Alaska was bought from Russia by the USA.
10.  Alaska was first visited by Vitus Bering.
daridasha57ү daridasha57ү  20.07.2020 01:37
1. A car was given to him by his parents.
2. The truth was told him by them.
3. His books were shown to me by him.
4. New houses are built every month by them.
5. He is asked some questions by them.
6. All the letters has been typed by her.
7. A new film is being shown at our cinema by them.
8. The contest was won by Helen.
9. Alaska was bought from Russia is 1867 by the USA.
10. Alaska was first visited by Vitus Bering.
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