№4 перепишите предложения, поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в соответствующую форму past simple 1. he ( speak ) to the economists last friday . 2. the quality of their previous goods ( be ) low. 3. in 1998 they ( not , do ) business with french companies . 4. she ( go ) on business to london yesterday . 5. two days ago they ( offer ) us to establish business relations . 6. the government (not , set up ) a new joint venture a month ago. 7. last year they ( give ) him a big discount . 8. she ( look ) through these catalogues the day before yesterday . 9. mr brown ( attend ) the last conference ? – i think he did . 10. they ( discuss ) the terms of payment the other day ? – i don’t think so .

денчик298 денчик298    1   04.06.2019 17:00    3

flox1998 flox1998  05.07.2020 15:02
1.     He  spoke  to the  economists  last Friday .
2.     The  quality of  their  previous goods  were low.
3.     In  1998 they  didn't did business  with French  companies .
4.     She  went on business  to  London  yesterday . 
5.     Two  days ago  they  offered us to  establish  business 
relations .
6.     The  government didn't set  up a new  joint  venture 
a  month  ago.
7.     Last  year they  gave him  a  big  discount .
8.     She  looked through  these catalogues  the  day 
before  yesterday .
9.    Did he(Mr  Brown- можно и не заменять на he) attended the  last  conference ? – I  think 
he  did .
10.      Did they discussed the  terms of  payment  the other  day ? – I  don’t think  so .
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