4. open the brackets using present simple/ present continuous/ present perfect or present perfect continuous 1 how long / work) here? – he ) at this office for 5 years. 2 /know) how to swim? – no, but she ) to now. 3 they ) to go to the cinema. – i /think) it’s a good idea. 4 /read) this book yet? – no, i ) it now.

Dasha20qu Dasha20qu    1   05.07.2019 16:40    1

Атмир089997 Атмир089997  29.07.2020 06:03
1 How long has Tom been working here? – He has been at this office for 5 years.
2 Does Ann know) how to swim? – No, but she is learning to now.
3 They are thinking to go to the cinema. – I do not think it’s a good idea.
4 Have you read) this book yet? – No, I am reading it now.
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