4. напишите предложения, употребив нужные по смыслу слова: again, away, says, ready, interesting, meet, pleased, glad, fine 1. we are … for the english lesson. 2. i am very … to see you. 3. that was the most … problem. 4. we never … at the bus stop. 5. the weather was last sunday. 6. he wants to go there … . 7. you can’t talk to mr. green, because he is … . 8. the mechanic was … with mike’s work. 9. the students were on holidays … a month. 10. pete … that he was in minsk last summer.

64даня1166 64даня1166    2   13.07.2019 02:50    2

nastyaant062002 nastyaant062002  18.09.2020 19:21
1. We are ready for the English lesson. 2. I am very glad to see you. 3. That was the most interesting problem. 4. We never meet at the bus stop. 5. The weather was fine last Sunday. 6. He wants to go there again. 7. You can’t talk to Mr. Green, because he is away. 8. The mechanic was pleased with Mike’s work. 9. The students were on holidays for a month. 10. Pete says that he was in Minsk last summer. 
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