4 In the text, find the words
which mean the following.
1 A person who starts something
(for example, a new business)
together with someone else
2 To change or improve
something that is wrong or
A beginner or a person who is
new to some work
4 A rule or a law that people
5 A new business or project
6 To join or become a part of
Freedom from danger or risk
8 Being open and easy to see
9 A destruction or a breakdown
conscious ['konſəs)
a favour ['ſeivə]
nowadays ('navədeiz]
an advantage (əd'va:ntid3]
sovereign ['sovrin]
a novice ['ndvis)
a co-founder [,kəw'faundə]
to integrate ('ıntıgreit]
to resolve [rı'zolv]
a security (sı'kjvərəti]
an issue l'isu:)
dedicated 'dedikeitid]
fundamental [fande'mentl]
a transparency (træn'spærənsi]
to overcome (əvvə'kam)
a collapse [kə'læps]
a ranking ('ræŋkıy]
a start-up l'sta:tap]​

mares2007 mares2007    1   07.05.2020 10:13    17

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