4. How did you get to London? … plane. a – on; b – by; c –in; d – off;

5. …your friend go in for sports?

a – does; b – to do; c - do; d – doing;

6. ….your car? It’s in the parking lot.

a- Which is; b-Who’s; c-When’s; d-Where’s;

7. Hello Sarah,…? I’m very well, thank you.

a-How do you? b-How you are?

c-How are you? d-How is it?

8. …you like to travel?

a - do; b - does; c - to do; d - doing;

Choose the right variant of translation.

9. Іноземні мови дуже важливі в сучасному житті.

a- Foreign languages are very important in our modern life

b- Foreign languages is very important on our modern life.

c- Foreign language are very important in your modern life.

d- Foreign languages are many importants in our modern life.

10. Після успішної здачі державних екзаменів студенти отримують дипломи.

a- After successfully take state exams students receive “ Diplomas “

b- After successful take state exam student receive “ Diplomas “

c- After successful taking state exams students receive “ Diplomas “

d- After successfully taking state exam students received “ Diplomas “

11. Протягом тисячі років люди жили в гармонії з навколишнім середовищем.

a-For thousands of year peoples live in harmony with environment.

b- For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment.

c- Thousands years people lived in harmony in environment.

d- For thousands of years people lives on harmony by environment.

12. Англійська мова це засіб міжнародного спілкування.

a-English is an international means of communication.

b- English is international mean of communication.

c- English are an international means in communication.

d- English is internationals mean of communication.

13. Слово «свято» походить від слів «святий день».

a-The word “holiday” comes from the words “holy day”.

b- The word “holiday” come from the words “holy day”.

c- The word “holiday” comes with the words “holy day”.

d- The word “holiday” come by the words “holy day”.

14. З розвитком цивілізації людський вплив на природу почав зростати.

a-By the development of civilization mans interference in nature began to increase.

b- With the development civilization man’s interference in nature begin increase.

c-With the development of civilization man’s interference in nature began to increase.

KimTaehyeng KimTaehyeng    2   10.06.2020 13:02    66

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