4. ( ).He … to play soccer.

А)Like В)Liking С)Likes D) Be liken

5. ( ). I ... very sorry.

A) am B) is C) are D) was

6. ( ).There … two apples on the table.

A) Am B) Is C) Are D) Be

7. ( )… you show me the way to the library, please?

A) Must B) Can C) Should D) Ought to

8. ( ). Don’t you see I’m tired? You ... me, you know.

А)Can help В) could help С) might have helped D)may help

9. ( ). You are a good football-player. Since when ... you ... football?

А) did play В)Is С) have been playing D) had been playing

10. ( ). My brother ... music lessons for three years now.

А) have taken В) has been taking С) took D) take

11. ( ). Выберите пару слов - антонимов:

А) famous- unknown В)outstanding - good С)Tall - small D) thick - white

12. ( ). In 1936 the British Broadcasting Corporationto provide a public radio service. Since then the BBC by the establishment of independent and commercial radio and television, whichthe BBC's broadcasting monopoly.

A) was established, was influenced, removed

В)was established, has been influenced, removed

С) was established, has been influenced, had removed

D) was established, had been influenced, removed

13. ( ). I have ... lot of English books.

А) - В)an С) the D) a

14. ( ). My brothers are ... doctors.

А) the В)a С) - D)an

15. ( ). A major problem in the construction of new buildings is that windowswhile air conditioning systems.

A) have been eliminated, have not been perfected

В) were eliminated, were not perfected

С) had been eliminated, had not been perfected

D) eliminate, are not perfected

16. ( ). Выберите правильное написание числа 27

A) Seventy-two В) twenty-seventh С)seventeen D)twenty-seven

17. ( ). I’m fond of listening ... these tapes.

А) - В) in С) to D) of

18. ( ).___ what languages are you speaking?

А) at В) on С) - D) in

19. ( ). (Сколько) rooms has your brother?

А) how much В) where С) how many D) why

20. ( ). (У кого) has clean paper?

А) what В) where С) why D) who
21. ( ). Waterat 100 degrees.

A) boils В) will boil С) is boiling D) will have been boiling

22. ( ). Your close friend is your … friend

А) Unfaithful В) Best С)Fool D)Bad

23. ( ). (Его) daughter is seven years old.

А) he В) his С) him D) her

24. ( ). Tom is telling (нам) about his work.

А) us В) them С) we D) our

25. ( ) Tomorrow we … relax in the village

А) Will В)Shall С)Am D)are

26. ( ).Yesterday I went … car to the countryside.

A) On B) At C) In D) By

27. ( ). There are some fruit trees in our park.

A) В нашем парке есть несколько фруктовых деревьев.

B) Несколько фруктовых деревьев растет в нашем парке.

C) В нашем парке можно увидеть несколько фруктовых деревьев.

D) Можно было увидеть несколько деревьев в нашем парке.

28. ( ). When the manager arrived, the problem

А)had already been solved В) solved С) had already solved D) had solved

29. ( ). A prize to whoever solves this equation.

B) will be giving В) will be given С) gives D) giving

30. ( ). Укажите, с каким словом (или сочетанием слов) может сочетаться данное слово straight.

A) tickets B) streets C) examinations D) exercises

milena226 milena226    3   22.04.2020 12:47    0

matfeys matfeys  13.10.2020 16:18

4. C

5. A

6. C

7. B

8. B (wish)

9. C

10. B

11. A

12. B

13. D

14. C

15. Не полный вопрос

16. D

17. C

18. D

19. C

20. D

21. A

22. B

23. B

24. A

25. A

26. D

27. A

28. A

29. B

30. B

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