4. Дополни пропуски нужной формой глагола to be: am, is, are.

1. Dad … cooking dinner and my sister … helping him. 2. … Mike working on the computer? 3. I … going to school; … you coming with me? 4. What .. he doing there? 5. Ann and Sue … talking to grandmother.

5. Раскрой скобки, ставя глагол в Present Continuous.

1. My grandpa …(repair) his car. 2. My TV … (not work). 3. We … (not play) computer today. She … (visit) friend. 4. Why … he (smile)? 5. Dad … (do) a crossword.

6. Подбери подходящий ответ на во

givemepizza givemepizza    3   25.02.2020 21:00    6

Умник00Семь Умник00Семь  11.10.2020 13:16


1. is,is 2.Are 3. am, are 4.is 5.are


1. is repairing 2. is not working 3.are not playing 4.smiling is 5.is doing


1E, 2A, 3B, 4F, 5D, 6C.

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