4 complete the sentences. use couldn't and the verbs below. find, finish, go, have, sleep understand, watch. 1 We a barbecue because the weather was bad.
2 Sandra her wallet. it wasn't in her bag.
3 Martin a dvd because his dvd player was broken.
4 Sam wasn't hungry - he his dinner.
5 To school because | was ill.
6 We kumiko because we don't speak japanese.
7 Harry was very tired, but he​

сергей1105 сергей1105    1   20.11.2020 18:48    9

asiemghulkarimozb3er asiemghulkarimozb3er  20.12.2020 18:49

1)couldn’t have

2)couldn’t find

3)couldn’t watch

4)couldn’t finish

5)couldn’t go

6)couldn’t understand

7) couldn’t sleep

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