4. complete the sentences. the farmer was angry with his wife and he told the proffessor that his chimney smokes. a) the professor didn't understand the farmer because he didn't know the meaning of "my chimney smokes". if the professor b) the professor thought that the chimney ofthe farmer's house
smoked and in order to see it and help the farmer he entered the house if he c) when the professor entered the house he heard the farmer's wife shouting with a broom in her hand but there was no smoke. he thought that something was wrong with the farmer. d) then the professor saw the farmer's
angry wife he understood what the farmer had meant by saying "my chimney smokes" ifthe e)the professor told the farmer that his chimney sometimes smoked too. f) the farmer's wife must have been a tactless woman. the farmer had his meal on the road. ifthe farmer's wife g) the farmer was having
his meal on the road. the professor saw him that something was wrong with the farmer. having his meal there and was surprised. the professor was interested in the situation. ifthe farmer

ghc6 ghc6    2   08.10.2019 01:40    53

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