4 Complete the following questions using the verbs in the list in the present perfect. Then answer about yourself. • take • volunteer • swim • drive 1 A: Have you ever driven a racing car? B: Yes, I have./No, I haven't 2 A: overseas? B: 3 A: with dolphins? B: 4 A pictures under water? B: ...

4 Complete the following questions using the verbs in the list in the present perfect. Then answer a

needhomework19 needhomework19    3   25.11.2021 08:45    0

Андртян Андртян  25.11.2021 08:50
2. Have you ever volunteered overseas? No, I haven’t.
3. Have you ever swum with dolphins? Yes, I have.
4. Have you ever taken pictures under the water? No, I haven’t.
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