4. Choose the correct point. 1. John ….. a football fan. a) am b) is c) are 2. I ….. not interested in sport. a)am b)is c)are 3. He …………..a new computer. a) has got b) have got c) have 4. John ………….. to the gym three times a week. a) goes b) go c) is going 5. We …………… our food shopping every day. a) are doing b) do c) does 6. Listen! Somebody ……………. a lovely song. a) sing b) sings c) is singing 7. He meets a lot of students ………….. the conference. a) in b) at c) on 8. She was born ………… July, 14. a) on b) in c) at 9. We ……………. tennis at 5 tomorrow. a) play b) played c) are playing 10. The Smiths have many …………….. . a) childs b) children c) childes 11. We ………. our flat 2 days ago. a) tidied b) tidyed c) tidy 12. I ………… Peter last week. a) see b) saw c) seed 13. Where is ………… post-office here? a) the nearest b) the near c) the nearer 14. She has got ……………work to do. a) many b) a lot of c) few 15. …………. fall off trees in autumn. a) leafs b) leafes c) leaves 16. …………... does it take you to get to college? a) how much b) how long c) how often 17. I can’t see ………….. there. a) something b) anything c) nothing 18. Can I have ………… water, please? a) some b) any c) no 19. George is not so …………… as his brother. a) cleverer b) cleverest c) clever 20. He is …………… runner than Jim. a) a faster b) the faster c) the fastest 21. In summer we …………… swimming every day. a) do b) go c) play 22. Go along the street, then turn ……….. . a) straight b) right c) round 23. Alex goes …………… the stairs. a) down b) along c) on 24. She is ………….. years old. a) fivety-two b) fifty-two c) fifty-second 25. There …………… a sofa, two armchairs, a table and a wall unit in our living-room. a) is b) am c) are 26. There is …………… on the desk. a) a book b) book c) books 27. The baby is ………….. all the time. a) cries b) criing c) crying 28. I ………….. to leave right now. a) am wanting b) want c) wants 29. The teacher …………. us a test yesterday. a) didn’t gave b) don’t give c) didn’t give 30. My mother ………….. cooking. a) doesn’t like b) doesn’t likes c) don’t like

rivvas rivvas    1   23.06.2020 11:58    3

HAAMER12 HAAMER12  15.10.2020 14:43
1 b
2 a
3 a
4 a
5 b
6 c
7 b
8 a
9 c
10 b
11 a
12 b
13 a
14 b
15 c
16 b
17 c
18 b
19 c
20 a
21 b
22 b
23 a
24 b
25 c
26 a
27 c
28 b
29 c
30 a