4. a corporation is a business unit that is legally separate from its owners. the ownership being represented by shares of stock in the corporation, the owners do not directly control the operations of the corporation. instead they elect a board of directors who run the corporation for the benefit of the stockholders. in exchange for a restricted involvement in the corporation's actual operations, stockholders enjoy limited liability. that is, their risk of loss is limited to the amount paid for their shares. if they wish, stockholders can sell their shares to other people without affecting corporate operations. because of this limited liability, stockholders are often willing to invest in riskier, but potentially profitable activities. also, because ownership can be transferred without dissolving the corporation, the life of the corporation is unlimited and not subject to the whims or health of a proprietor or partner. vi. выпишите из четвертого абзаца текста предложение с независимым причастным оборотом. переведите предложение на язык.

dimasyashenkov3 dimasyashenkov3    1   18.08.2019 00:00    1

zox229 zox229  05.10.2020 01:48

The ownership being represented by shares of stock in the corporation, the owners do not directly control the operations of the corporation.

Владение (корпорацией) означает владение акциями этой корпорации; владельцы (акций) напрямую не контролируют деятельность корпорации


The ownership being represented by shares of stock in the corporation -- независимый причастный оборот

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