Оксфордский университет — это уникальное и историческое учреждение. О точной дате его создания не известно, однако, в той или иной форме обучение в Оксфорде существовало уже в 1096 году. А с 1167 г., когда Генрих II объявил о запрете английским студентам поступать в Парижский университет, обучение стало быстро развиваться.
Oxford University is a unique and historic institution. The exact date of its establishment is not known, however, some form of training at Oxford existed already in 1096. And from 1167, when Henry II announced a ban English students enroll in the University of Paris, the training began to develop rapidly.
Oxford University is a unique and historic institution. The exact date of its establishment is not known, however, some form of training at Oxford existed already in 1096. And from 1167, when Henry II announced a ban English students enroll in the University of Paris, the training began to develop rapidly.