3построй вопроситеьное предложение: 1) uncle podge likes to work. 2) in summer we usually go to the seaside. 3) look! jack is swimming to a big rock. 4) my brother is a doctor. 5) he goes to school every day. 6) they are p4. найди ошибку и исправь её : 1. he live in oxford. 2. michael riley is married not. 3. on fridays i to the cinema go. 4. does she gets up early? 5. why do the baby crying? (10) 5. составь предложения : 1. not far, we, from, the park, live. 2. kate's, is, a doctor, father, good. 3. now, my, is, in, playing, sister, the garden. 4. when, usually, you, get up, dо )

lincha3 lincha3    2   22.05.2019 16:00    2

Анна0809 Анна0809  18.06.2020 03:24
3 Построй вопросительное предложение:
1) Uncle Podge likes to work, doesn't he?
2) When do we usually go to the seaside?
3) Look! Jack is swimming to a big rock, isn't he?
4) Is my brother a doctor?
5) Who goes to school every day?
6) They are pupils, aren't they?
4. Найди ошибку и исправь её :
1. He lives in Oxford.
2. Michael Riley isn't married.
3. On Fridays I go to the cinema.
4. Does she get up early?
5. Why is the baby crying?

5.  Составь предложения :
1. We live not far from the park.
2. Kate's father is a good doctor.
3. Now my sister is  playing in the garden.
4. When do you usually get up?
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