39.I bought ….. of fruit last week.
A some B many C a lot

40.How ….. olive oil do we have left?
A many B much C a lot of

41.There is ….. food in the cupboard.
A any B a C some

42.See you ….5 o’clock..
A on B at C near

43.It's my birthday ….. 5th August.
A at B in C on

44.They usually go to school ….. foot.
A in B on C by

45.June is the ….. month of the year.
A sixth B six C sixteen

46.Can I borrow ….. scissors, please?
A you B yours C your

47.Let's watch the firework ….. .
A display B show C programme

48.We go on holiday ….. August.
A on B at C in

49.Goodbye. See you ….. Monday.
A in B on C at

50.On Christmas Day, we all ….. gifts.
A transfer B exchange C change

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