38. write sentences as in the examples. bike/cheap/see what a cheap bike! it is the cheapest bike i have ever seen. 1. apple/ tasty / eat ! it is i 2. tomato / big / see it is ! it is i 3 story/ funny/ write it is ! it is 4. coffee/ expensive/ buy it is it is 5. train / comfortable / see it is ! it is i 6. pupil / lazy / teach ! he is pupil 7. car / fast / see ! it is car i 8. trip/ fantastic /have ! it is trip i 9. present / bad /choose ! it is she 10. song / good / sing ! it is song we

Настя200101 Настя200101    1   13.06.2019 15:10    11

tadzhigul tadzhigul  10.07.2020 15:27
What a tasty apple? It is tasty apple. It is tasty apple I have ever eat 2. What I see? It is tomato. It is big tomato. It is big tomato I have ever seen 3it is funny story. It is funny story he has ever written 4. It is coffee. It is expensive coffee I have ever bought. 5. It is comfortable train. It is comfortable train I have ever seen 6. It is pupil. He is lazy pupil. He is lazy pupil I have ever teached 7.it is car. It is fast car. It is fast car I have ever seen 8.it is trip. It is fantastic trip. It is fantastic trip I have ever had 9.it is present. It is bad present. It is bad present she has ever choosen 10. It is song. It is good song . It is good song she has ever sang
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