35 ! переделайте в косвенную речь. 1.ivan said: 'i dont hear you playing the piano in the flat above'. 2. herry said to her younger brother: tom if i am late you'ill stay with aunt igor'. 3.the boys said: 'our parents are late today'. 4.the correspondent explained: 'two criminals in back clothes broke into the local bank some days ago'. 5.nikolay said to his friend: 'viktor i am going to stay in a hotel when i am in paris'. 6.lavanda said to her brother: 'fred you may take our album and pencils and draw.

Map21 Map21    3   06.10.2019 17:10    1

Dima0044 Dima0044  10.10.2020 00:00

1. Ivan said he didn't hear me playing the piano in the flat above.

2. Herry said to her younger brother if he was late Tom would stay ...

3.The boys said their parents were late that day.

4.The correspondent explained two criminals in black clothes had broken into the local bank some days before.

5. Nikolay said to his friend Viktor he was going to stay in a hotel when he was in Paris.

6. Lavanda said to her brother Fred he might take their album and pencils and draw.

akrikay13 akrikay13  10.10.2020 00:00

1.Ivan said he didn't hear me playing the piano in the flat above.

2. Herry said to her younger brother Tom that if she was late he would stay with aunt Igor.

3.The boys said their parents were late that day.

4.The correspondent explained that two criminals in black clothes had broken into the local bank some days before.

5.Nikolay said to his friend Viktor that he was going to stay in a hotel when he was in Paris'.

6.Lavanda said to her brother Fred that he might take their album and pencils and draw.

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