32. They continued songs. A) to singing B) to sing C) with singing D) being singing 33. The costumer insists on , so hurry up. A) serving B) being served C) serve D) having served 34. She didn’t finish coffee. A) have B) having C) to have D) have 35. The house is for him to buy. A) made B) did C) had D) making 36. The we climbed, the thinner the air became. A) high B) higher C) highly D) highest 37. They never plans for the work. A) make B) do C) perform D) ask 38. His brother was here Saturday. A) in B) by C) on D) at 39. Ali always goes to school bus. A) with B) by C) on D) in 40. She is still in school, ? A) is she B) isn’t it C) isn’t she D) is it 41. A: Don’t you like this lesson? B: . A) No, I’m not. B) No, I don’t C) No, I don’t like. D) Yes, I don’t. 42. The social problems of Spain are those of Turkey. A) alike B) similar C) same as D) the same as 43. Jim is not a quick worker you are. A) such / as B) so / that C) such / that D) more / than 44. “You didn’t understand what he was saying. I didn’t, either.” means: A) Either you or I understood what he was saying. B) Neither you nor I understood what he was saying. C) Both you and I understood what he was saying. D) Just as you understood what he was saying so did I. 45. The guest, , apologized to the host for his attitude. A) his mistake is realized B) he realized his mistake C) realizing his mistake D) realized his mistake. 46. “He needn’t have beaten the child.” means: A) He didn’t beat the child B) The child needed to be beaten. C) He needed to beat the child. D) He beat the child. 47. “I’d much rather have watched TV at home.” means: A) I will watch TV at home. B) I couldn’t watch TV at home. C) I watched TV at home. D) I won’t watch TV at home. 48. “Jane didn’t need to worry about Judy.” means: A) Jane wanted Judy to worry. B) Jane didn’t need Judy to worry. C) Jane didn’t worry about Judy. D) Jane worried about Judy. 49. “You could have done more than you did to help her wash the car.” means: A) You helped more than she wanted you to. B) You helped her but not much. C) You helped as much as you could. D) You didn’t help her at all. 50. “If I hadn’t been wearing my boots, I would have been sick.” means: A) It’s a pity I didn’t wear my boots. B) It’s pity I more my boots. C) It’s a good thing I was wearing my boots. D) It’s a good thing I didn’t wear my boots. 51. The furniture wonderful but hard and uncomfortable. A) seems / sounds B) looks / feels C) looks / sounds D) feels / seems 52. “You can look after yourself and I can look after myself” means: “We can look after ” A) each other B) yourself C) ourselves D) myself 53. he does, his mother forgives him. A) Whenever B) Wherever C) Whatever D) However Book 1 Part D Test 7 164 54. Witness: Two men and a woman stole the money. Detective: Did you actually see the money? A) them to steal B) him to steal C) them stealing D) him stealing 55. I had lunch with my friends but I dinner with my family now. A) have B) have been having C) am not having D) am having 56. The party by my friend. A) being organized B) is being organized C) organized D) is organizing 57. He the accident if he drunk; but he was drunk and had the accident. A) wouldn’t have / hadn’t been B) wouldn’t have / weren’t C) wouldn’t have had / weren’t D) wouldn’t have had / hadn’t been 58. A: What was he arrested ? B: He smashed up a pub and left paying. A) _ / on B) for / on C) for/ without D) in/ without 59. You are talking to a foreigner in Turkish, but you don’t think he understands you. So you say: “You to understand me.” A) aren’t sure B) can’t C) don’t seem D) shouldn’t 60. did it take her all the dishes? A) How much / washing B) How long / to wash C) How long / washing D) How much / to wash

kvastalkerr kvastalkerr    1   16.10.2020 22:35    0

ДжастБодя ДжастБодя  16.10.2020 23:01































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