31)The Second World War in 1939. (begin) 32)Your coat there the whole afternoon. (lie) 33)The postman the post every day. (bring) 34)She you (soon forget) 51
52. 35)I a coat because it's too hot today. (not wear) 36)Lizzie and Dolly at six this morning, (wake up) 37)We an answer last night. (not get) 38)My parents in Berlin since 1980. (live) 39)"How at school? -I very well (Bob get on) ( believe) 40)Jaqueline why I earlier. (wonder) (write) 41) the film last night? (you see) 42)We need not run. the bus ( you see). It the bus station (just leave) 43)I a letter (write) when Fred the room (enter) 44)Peter his best now. (try) 45)I the work tomorrow. (do) 46)I couldn't answer the phone because I a shave. (have) 47)I can't understand what you . The traffic is too noisy. (say) 48)Mathews an interesting play most of the evening. (watch) 49)Peter suddenly that he his cap in the train, (realize) (leave) 50)He next week. (not come) 51)Before he away he a letter. (go) (write) 52)Bob tennis very well. (not play) 53)When I him he to Helen, (see) (talk) 54)You need an umbrella. It (rain)

LLLLLina LLLLLina    2   06.04.2020 11:20    12

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