30 за ! составьте общий, разделительный, альтернативный и специальный вопросы. 1. helen is very talkative. 2. you don't listen to madonna. 3. you will help me with this test. 4. mary did her homework last week.

BraveBeast BraveBeast    3   13.09.2019 04:10    0

Dashaaleshenko Dashaaleshenko  01.09.2020 13:23
1 Helen is very talkative
Is Helen very talkative?
Helen is very talkative, isn't she?
Is Helen very talkative or incommunicative?

2 You don't listen to Madonna
Do you listen to Madonna?
You don't listen to Maddona, do you?
Do you listen to Madonna or Pink Floyd?

3 You will help me with this test
Will you help me with this test?
You will help me with this test, won't you?
Will you help me with this test or this exercise?

4 Mary did her homework last week.
Did Mary do her homework last week?
Mary did her homework last week, didn't she?
Did Mary do her homework last week or the week before last?
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