30 вам !
‘present tenses’
i. choose the right variant only:
1 there … 14 students in this group.
a) is
b) am
c) are
d) was
2 they … by bus now.
a) are going
b) is going
c) am going
d) go
3 he … apple juice. do you?
a) is liking
b) like
c) likes
d) am liking
4 on sundays i usually …. a lot of housework.
a) do
b) does
c) did
d) is doing
5 don’t disturb him. he …. a shower.
a) take
b) takes
c) is taking
d) are taking
6 today i … a very interesting invitation.
a) have received
b) received
c) receive
d) has received
7 my best friend … london several times.
a) visited
b) have visited
c) has visited
d) have been visiting
8 i … english for several years.
a) have been learning
b) learn
c) am learning
d) has been learning
9 usually she …. much time watching tv.
a) is spending
b) has spent
c) spends
d) spend
10 it … since early morning today.
a) has been raining
b) is raining
c) rains
d) have been learning
ii. choose the proper auxiliary verb:
11 … you speak french?
a) do
12 what … your favorite place in khabarovsk?
b) does
13 there … not any money on the table.
c) am
14 … he translated this article already?
d) are
15 …he like poetry?
e) is
16 our neighbor … been subscribing to this magazine since 1999
f) have
17 you have a younger sister, …not you?
g) has
18 when … you leaving?
19 i … not seen them today.
20 i … not take a cold shower every morning.
21 how long …. your mother been working at the university?
22 …he always late for the lectures?
23 i … not remember his name.
24 the bus … leaving in 5 minutes.
25 my parents … been married for 20 years.
iii. put the verb in brackets in the proper tense form.
26 don’t shout, i you quite well.
27 listen! somebody in the next room.
28 he her all his life.
29 he … (to work) at his new novel for two years already.
30 what an awful smell! somebody here.
31 i’m so sorry, i your favorite cup.
32 the number of students now.
33 one plus two three.
34 i always glad to see you.
35 the weather is it going to rain?
iv. write down the proper tense form of the verbs in brackets as if you were to translate the following
sentences from english into russian.
35 все дороги ведут в рим. (to lead)
36 я так скучаю по дому! (to feel homesick)
37 команда упорно тренируется всю зиму, пока не выиграла ни одной игры. (to train, to win)
38 всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается. (to end)
39 а не подумываешь ли ты, что бы продать этот дом? (to think)
40 джинсы в моде уже более века. (to be in fashion)
41 никто не знает, где он живет. (to know, to live)
42 в последнее время погода ужасная. (to be)
43 ты когда-нибудь притворялся, что заболел, чтобы не пойти в школу? (to pretend)
44 я её знаю с детства. (to know)
45 ты спрашиваешь, где он? насколько я знаю, он сдает экзамен по . (to take)
v. put the verbs in brackets into correct tense forms:
– you (46 – smoke)?
– yes, i do.
– how long you (47 – smoke)?
– well, let me see. i (48 – smoke) since my studying at college. so i (49 – smoke) for almost 5 years.
– you (50 – want) to give it up?
– yes, i (51 – plan) to stop it very soon. in fact, i (52 – decide) to do it on my birthday.
– where (53 – be) donald?
– he (54 – study) at the library.
– how long he (55 – study) there?
– since two o’clock this afternoon.
– he (56 – study)at the library every day?
– not every day, but very often

shakirovbulat9 shakirovbulat9    1   11.10.2019 16:58    1296

BERE1337 BERE1337  05.05.2020 00:26











аричунка аричунка  05.05.2020 00:26

сейчас тебе где варианты???

18. are



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