30 make the sentences more conversational образец : i speak little english. i only speak a little english or i don`t speak mich english 1. there was little room on the bus. 2. few people learn foreign languages perfectly. 3. she has few friends 4. we get little rain here in summer. 5. this car uses little petrol. 6. there are few flowers in the garden.

tanyatanechk tanyatanechk    2   20.07.2019 01:10    2

casha0032 casha0032  03.10.2020 08:25
1. There was little room on the bus. There was not much room on the bus.
2. Few people learn foreign languages perfectly. Not many people learn foreign language perfectly.
3. She has few friends She doesn't have many friends
4. We get little rain here in summer. We don't get much rain here in summer.
5. This car uses little petrol. This car doesn't use much petrol.
6. There are few flowers in the garden. There aren't many flowers in the garden
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