3.Write the correct form of the adjective in brackets.

Написать правильную форму прилагательного.Предложение перевести на русский язык,записать его.

1. February is month in the year. (short)
2. A car is than a bike (expensive)
3. She is one of tennis players in the world. (good)
4. My father is than my brother
7. Fiona is always smiling. She is person I know. (friendly)
8. Mary is girl in our group. (slim)
9. Today the weather is than yesterday. (bad)
10. My bag is than yours. (heavy)
4. Choose the correct word.
. (strong)
5. A sofa is than a chair. (comfortable)
6. Sharks are animals in the sea. (Выбрать и написать правильный модальный глагол.

1. I must / have to visit my friend. It is her birthday.
2. I can / must pay your rent. That’s the rule.
3. You mustn’t / can’t eat in the classroom. It’s forbidden.
4. Sally is ill. She has to /mustn’t stay in bed.
5. Can / Must I stay out late tonight?

5.Read about CN Tower and fill in the blanks with the words
Прочитайте о Канадской Национальной телевизионной башне и заполните пропуски данными словами.Напишите перевод на русский язык любых четырех предложений.
December, famous, admire, is situated, tallest, means, view, built.

Like the Ostankino Tower, CN Tower is a member of the Worth Federation of Great Towers. It is one of the (1) towers in the world. It is 553 metres high. CN Tower (2) in Toronto, Canada. CN (3) …… Canadian National. It's the name of the railway company which (4) the tower in 1976. A lot of tourists visit the Tower. They enjoy a bird's eye (5) of Toronto. The Tower is also (6) …… for the " Glass Floor". Brave tourists can (7) the city from under their feet. CN Tower is open every day except (8) , 25th. The Tower is worth visiting!

6.Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense:
Поставить глагол в скобках в правильное время (Present Simple,Present Continuous,Past Simple).Написать в тетради форму глагола и время.
1. It’s eight o’clock now. Terry (have breakfast).
2. Excuse me, (you/speak) English?
3. We (go) to the Zоо with our teacher last Saturday.
4. I (not / be) at school yesterday.
5. Mr. Moore (travel) to London every day.
6. you (enjoy) the party last night?
7. He (see) Carol on the bus every day.
8. Bill (come) home late yesterday.
9. Nick (not / like) Spanish films.
10. you (tidy) your room at the moment?

adam80 adam80    3   13.04.2020 10:54    2

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